Monday, February 23, 2009

Guidance from Friends and Family.

I just posted something to the blog that I share with Francie. Check it out and please respond with guidance and thoughts as to what we should do.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time heals all wounds....????

Well it's been a little while since we found out about the event that has caused our family so much grief and anguish. And while they say time heals all wounds, the short amount of time that has transpired hasn't been long enough. We still hurt, ache, and grief over the event and the cause of the event. While I don't know many details, I have a feeling that this is the start of a very long hard road.

Even though we are no where near to being over this event, it is amazing to me just how God has a way of making things work for His Glory. While we haven't seen exactly how He is working in this situation, I know that God is in control and His Will will be done in ALL things. In knowing this, there are a few things that I have seen, witnessed, heard of, or been a part of that I see God's Will working in. In this post I would like to share just a few of those things.

One thing that has come of this is that the family so far has grown closer together. Francie has talked to various family members on a nearly daily basis. We also have been in contact with other family members much more frequently than we have in the past.

Another factor that has been a positive from this event is that we have seen the love from the congregation that we attend. This event has the potential to tear apart the church we attend, however I have been glad to see the support (both publicly and privately) that has come from the congregation. If any of you happen to read this blog I want to again publicly thank you for everything and ask you to please keep up what you are doing.

While I will never post on here the situation that has arisen, it is public knowledge. For those that I personally know that are dying inside to know what is going on you may contact me or my parents. If you just happen upon this blog and would like to know, I'm sorry but this is a private matter and one that I wish not to let you know about. However I do ask for everyone who reads this to please continue to pray for the family. Pray that healing will occur, pray that patience will abound, pray that those affected will turn to God for guidance and strength, pray that the community is understanding, and finally (as Francie pointed out in our other blog), pray that the Spirit helps us in our weakness, that the Spirit will intercede our groans of anguish to our Lord for us since we do not have the words to express just how we feel (Romans 8:26).

Like I said before, it's probably going to be a long process, however with God's help we will be able to pull through this. Again…..thank you SO much for everything that you are doing. Words will never express how truly gracious we are for your support.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Prayer Request

Other than SafetyDude, I don't know of anyone who checks this blog. However for SafetyDude and anyone else who stumbles upon this blog I wanted to let you know about a couple of things....

1. I am sorry for not blogging much lately. I have been so busy at work that I never seem to have time.

2. We have had a family member do something very bad recently. Bad enough that this person was arrested for these bad things that he did. This was a very large shock to us and we are having a very hard time dealing with the whole situation. Please pray for us, our realitive, and the whole family. It's just the beginning of a very, very long road and something that has the potential to rip the family apart. Please pray that this does not happen.

I hope that each of you are having a good week and that it's much better than ours has been.

Finally, if you do come across this blog please let me know. Selfishly, it would be nice to have to know someone is out there reading this blog.